Should You Switch the Sides That You Breast Feed on

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How do you know when/if to switch sides (etc)?

So, my daughter is about five and a half weeks old. At first, I didn't understand that I was supposed to wait for her to want to switch sides, and went by what the LC said about "10-15 minutes per side," not thinking that that should be by baby's preference until a little bit later.
The thing is, I never know when she wants/needs to switch, because she falls asleep on the first side, and startles awake again, sometimes within just the first 5 minutes. She gained all of her birth weight, and then some, back by her 2-week appointment, and she's wetting and dirtying up plenty of diapers, but she wants to nurse sometimes every hour or hour and a half, even if she was nursing for 30-40 minutes at the last session!
I have trouble so much as getting something to eat (not to mention eating it), finding time for my one pumping session per day (so we have milk for when my husband is with her, or when we go out to places it's inconvenient to nurse), or doing anything except nursing and/or holding the baby during the day. When she's sleeping at night (thankfully, 3-6 or 7 hours at a time) I have to be sleeping too (else I won't get any) so I can't do the other things I need to do then.
So here are my questions:
1) How do I know when to switch boobs? She seems okay just going straight back to the same one if she unlatches--whether that's less than 5 minutes after latching on, or 15+.
2) What can I do to stretch the interval between sessions? I've been able to put her down in the bassinet in our living room (She sleeps in a Graco Dreamglider in our room at night) during naps once or twice before, but that seems to have been a fluke, because she wouldn't stay asleep when I tried it today, if she went to sleep when not-nursing at all, that is. Lately, if I'm not at least holding her, she cries. And if I'm just holding her, she'll cry after a few minutes of I'm not nursing her.
I really can't be attached at the boob for half of every hour, or 1/3 of every hour and a half. I have to do other stuff too.
She wakes up as soon as I pick her up to burp, no matter how gently I do so (she doesn't at night though), and I have to burp her, or she spits up a lot.


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