How to Read a .class File Mac

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How to decompile class file in Java and Eclipse - Javap command example

The power to decompile a Java class file is quite helpful for any Java developer who wants to look into the source of any open source or propriety library used in a project. Though I always prefer to attach sources in Eclipse of most common libraries similar JDK it's non always possible with an increasing number of dependencies. Java decompiler (a program that tin can decompile Java class files to produce source files) is very helpful in such a state of affairs. Past using Coffee decompiler you can easily check out the source of whatsoever .class file. Thanks to Eclipse IDE and the increasing number of free plug-ins bachelor for Java developers, You can accept powerful Coffee decompile in your armory.

Earlier I used to used JadEclipse an Eclipse plugin that works well with JAD decompiler but knowing most the JAD decompiler is not supporting Java 1.5 source, I was in hunt of another suitable and useful Eclipse plugin which can decompile . class file.

My search ends with JD-Eclipse , this is another free Eclipse plugin for not-commercial and personal use which helps you lot to get the source from class files. JD-Eclipse is easy to install and its site has a detailed footstep by stride guide on how to install JD-Eclipse plug-in. If y'all are already familiar with Eclipse plugin installation then it just a cakewalk.

How to decompile Class file in Eclipse IDE

how to decompile class file in Java and Eclipse with javap command example Once you take JD-Eclipse installed and running, you probably demand to restart Eclipse one time y'all installed the plug-in. You are set up to decompile Java class file from Eclipse. In order to decompile class file, just open whatsoever of your Java projects and go to Maven dependencies of libraries to see the jar files included in your project.

Just aggrandize any jar file for which you lot don't have the source fastened in Eclipse and click on the .grade file. Now you lot can see the source code for that file in Coffee editor, simple and elegant isn't information technology.

Though I highly recommend attaching source code for JAR in Eclipse, at to the lowest degree for oftentimes used libraries like JDK or Spring every bit the quality of decompiled code and the original code is different. The original code gives better visibility and also shows comment while decompiled code is just the bare minimum version.

How to decompile class file in Java – javap control case

Even with powerful Eclipse IDE and plugin, we may sometimes need to work on command prompt especially while working in Linux evolution servers and its not convenient to switch dorsum and forth for quick look on .class file or go some information from compiled form of source.

Thank you to javap control you can decompile class file on the fly in command prompt. javap is standard binary which comes with JDK installation and resides in JAVA_HOME/bin directory. javap is similar to javac (coffee compiler) and work directly with .course file.

In order to use javap command y'all must haveastward JAVA_HOME in your system path. you can verify this by typing " javap " in control prompt and if information technology doesn't complain and instead show some output like below than y'all are skilful to become. If it doesn't recognize the command means yous need to set path, bank check how to ready path in coffee more detailed steps.

abc@localhost:~/java javap
No classes were specified on the command line.Try -help.

Now permit's encounter what javap command offers usa. We have a southimple Coffee class with 1 field and ane method.

abc@localhost:~/coffee cat

public class How-do-you-do{
individual String version="one.2" ;
public static void main( Cord args[]){
System.out.println ( "Running Howdy" ) ;

abc@localhost:~/java javap Hello
Compiled from ""
public class Hello extends coffee.lang.Object {
public Hullo() ;
public static void main(java.lang.String []) ;

So it looks javap simply provides information related to a method in the .grade file. Information technology also states the constructor evenorth default constructor added by Coffee compiler. javap can provide more information depending upon its command line option like - private will show all private members. here is an example of running javap command with the -private option:

abc@localhost:~/java javap -individual Hello
Compiled from ""
public class Hello extends java.lang.Object {
individual java.lang.Cord version;
public Hi() ;
public static void main(java.lang.String []) ;

How to see bytecode from .class file

javap control tin can too show bytecodes form compiled class files. Just run javap with -c pick and it volition print bytecodes of class file as shown in beneath instance:

abc@localhost:~/java javap -c Hello
Compiled from ""
public class Hello extends java.lang.Object {
public Hello() ;
0:   aload_0
1:   invokespecial   #1 ; //Method java/lang/Object."":()V
4:   aload_0
five:   ldc     #2 ; //String ane.two
7:   putfield        #3 ; //Field version:Ljava/lang/String;
10: render

public static void principal(java.lang.Cord []) ;
0:   getstatic       #4 ; //Field java/lang/Organization.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
3:   ldc     #v ; //String Running Hello
5:   invokevirtual   #6 ; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
eight: return


That's all on how to decompile class files in Java and Eclipse IDE. JD-Eclipse is easy to use the eclipse plugin and has detailed installation steps documented. if you lot are running on JDK lower than Coffee v than You tin even so utilize a famous JAD decompiler and JADEclipse plug-in. Autonomously from these are much more which I oasis't tried. Just go to the Eclipse market place and you will see a lot of those.

Relate Eclipse shortcuts and tutorials from Javarevisited Blog


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